Store visit

It’s amazing how many opportunities emerge in a store visit - and best of all the visit is free, as are the recommendations we share with you.


This is where we diagnose what will grow your sales.

The half-day store visit is free and is a fact-find where we share observations and give advice and recommendations.

Afterwards you’ll have an understanding of where you can make progress and we can offer options to accelerate progress for you if you want to.

Our initial free store visit is a half day of meeting you and your team, seeing inside and outside your store and really understanding the challenges and frustrations that you face and where we both see opportunities to increase sales.

Kitchen Image 1

We’ll look at your sales team’s approach with customers, how you manage them and their performance, we’ll discuss how you measure sales, your range, how it’s displayed, and other key areas where we can usually offer you recommendations that will add value.

Just pulling one or two levers can dramatically affect the bottom line in some cases.

The interesting thing on store visit day is what comes from talking to you. Often something comes out in conversation that hasn’t been thought about yet.

In some cases, we’ve been able to grow profit just by introducing new thinking around interest-free credit or delivery charges. Just pulling one or two levers can dramatically affect the bottom line in some cases.

Of course there’s secondary benefit to inviting us for a free store visit as you get to meet and learn more about FSS and our approach too.

You’ll get a feel for if there’s a synergy and whether you’d enjoy working with FSS to grow your sales and profit together.

We carry out store visits all year round across the UK and Ireland and they’re a step towards changes that will benefit the business for years.

It’s an easy way to get the ball rolling.

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Our programmes grow sales for furniture businesses by addressing classic mistakes and untapped opportunities.


We love seeing the sales teams we work with grow in confidence. And confidence is key, we can’t sell effectively without it.


So much good work is undone if we’re not able to close. Developing closing skills has a huge impact on performance.


Just measuring the right things and reporting them well makes a difference. We can’t improve something until we measure it.


5-star reviews feed sales so we create a fabulous genuine experience where we’re earning them every day.


Sales teams are often hampered by the range on display in-store, or the presentation of it. It’s one of the first things we fix.


We always find ways to make each sale you make more profitable, and ways to increase your average order value.

Our success stories

Hi, We're FSS

We love to see confidence growing across sales teams as they deliver better and better results.

We've devoted our careers to sales training and have worked with many of the biggest furniture brands, including DFS, Oak Furniture Land, Dreams and Wren Kitchens.

We're here to share our wealth of experience so that your sales team can grow their confidence and put more sales on the bottom line too.

You can book a call in our diary directly – We'll be happy to answer your questions and share some insights with you free of charge and with no obligation.



Someone you can talk to